Monday, July 1, 2013

The Lucky One

So, I have an ongoing battle with Netflix. Okay, realistically it may be my reluctancy to commitment. Allow me to explain, every time I get an actual DVD from Netflix I am fearful that I'm going to pick the wrong one. See, watching movies on instant doesn't have that, "Ugh, I can't believe I waited for this movie to come in the mail," attached to it.

All that to say, this movie was not one that I regretted waiting to get in the mail. I am very choosey and despite being told by someone - maybe my mom - that it wasn't a good movie I wanted to see it anyways. And I am not afraid to say, I liked it!

I'm fairly picky when it comes to romantic movies because so many cheesy ones exist. Not to say that this doesn't have its fair share of "cheese" and not that it is terribly believable, but it's sweet. I liked the story, I believe - even in this day and age - that the "right couples" are brought together by something bigger than us. This is that story.

It doesn't hurt that Efron is also very attractive and combine that with his extremely sweet and sensitive character who happens to do really well with Schilling's son in the movie and I'm a girly mess. Plus he is kind of a hero, so what girl can turn that down? Obviously not the main female character, based solely on the poster photo!

Anyways, it is not going to win any awards but if you are looking for a girly movie, this is a good one. So, my suggestion is rent it.

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