Monday, July 1, 2013

Jesus Henry Christ

I feel like an explanation is necessary before I even say my thoughts on the movie. I was really bored one day and decided to peruse Netflix Instant. That being said, this movie title - for obvious reasons - has caught my attention on several occasions. So, boredom combined with instant movies, an odd title, oh and Toni Colette led me to this movie.

As you would expect with a movie with such an interesting title, it was an interesting movie. Collette is a feminist mother who has chosen to have a child on her own but her son. The boy is at this pivotal age, but in an awkward situation. He is smothered by his mother and wants to find out who his father is which leads to the rest of the movie.

It is a strange movie and there are definitely parts where I was so sad for this boy and the daughter of the man who is also the boy's father. It is an interesting intersection between the lives of these people who happen to live so close to each other. It's honestly hard for me to explain this movie at this point.

There are several things that stick out for me in this movie, one of which I won't specify because if you watch it's a funny part, but it happens between the boy and girl when he goes to tell her she's his sister. And the second part made me hate sticky notes and then love them again!

Anyways, if you are up for a corky, odd, eccentric movie I would say go ahead and check it out... If you are not a fan of indie films... skip it.

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