Monday, July 1, 2013

Fast & Furious 6

Who doesn't love a trilogy done two times over. Alright, understandably I knew what I was getting myself into before I even went, I mean come on it's in the title, SIX! But I could not resist seeing this movie with all of the original cast members back together.

The only problem here was that I was about 13 when the first movie came out and I am now almost 26 years old. Now despite my age difference, Paul Walker is sexy. I don't care if he can't really act, as long as I can just look at him, okay maybe if he could act a little it would have been helpful. But, it definitely took me back to being 13 seeing all of the cast back together.

Now, I was expecting very little from this film because let's be honest all of the "in between" movies were eh. This one actually surprised me. The races were fun to watch, things exploding is entertaining, different story line and low and behold even a plot twist! I did not even know the franchise had plot twist capabilities.

I took my niece who is 9 years younger than me to see this movie and I think those 9 years made a big difference. She, at best, had seen a few scenes from several of the movies and was a little confused, but nothing that would ruin the movie. But she did not have the same excitement about seeing the movie that I did, again because of the cast.

If you have boys/guys in your family odds are you will at some point see this movie, don't worry it's not terrible, it's not even bad. It is definitely closer to the original which should lend some peace of mind.

Would I pay to see this in the theater again? No, probably not. Would I rent it? Sure... it's a good time.

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