Monday, July 1, 2013

This is the End

Oh how I wanted this to be funnier than it was. There is a good chance that other's will disagree with me on my review but that's why it's my blog and not theirs! I think maybe I expected too much from these guys. Sometimes, for me, when a movie gets a lot of hype I end up being really disappointed. Now I was not really disappointed but I wasn't overjoyed either.

There are definitely some very funny parts to this movie. Although it was in the commercials the part with Emma Watson definitely made me laugh. I also love that Baruchel's character (himself but not, I'm assuming) hates the other guys with the exception of Rogen. There is something about him that I think is adorable and I could totally picture him being the odd man out.

Franco's obsession with Rogen is also pretty funny, don't worry I don't think I'm ruining anything here, it's not a plot point! However, I'm going to discuss some SPOILERS now so just beware. The part with Channing Tatum was ridiculous! I'm still not sure whether to think it was good ridiculous or bad ridiculous but I laughed none-the-less. The second spoiler is the that I thought it was completely unnecessary to show the Devil's junk. I did not find it funny and that is not because I'm a prude. SPOILERS COMPLETE

I couldn't help but think throughout the movie that if Kirk Cameron wanted to scare people that maybe he should have made his Left Behind series a little more like this movie, fire all over and a scary Satan. Anyways, all that to say, did I need to see it in the theater and would I recommend you to? No. I would save your money, have some friends over and rent it.

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