Monday, June 24, 2013

The Details

Disaster. I honestly wish I could just write that one word and leave this review at that. I am a big fan of Elizabeth Banks so when I saw she was in this film and it's on Instant Netflix, I figured why not. After it was over, I wondered why?

I am not sure how you come up with the idea for a movie having the basis be that a guy loses it because some raccoons tear up his yard. Now, I grew up with a dad who was crazy about his yard. I'm pretty sure if he didn't have me, he would have been yelling at the kids to stop playing on his yard. But compared to Maguire's character my dad looks like a saint!

Honestly, I'm not even sure how to review this movie. I'm going to give a lot of spoilers right now so if you plan to watch maybe skip the rest of the review. But, Maguire ends up sleeping with two women one being his best friend and the other being the crazy neighbor (cheating on his wife) and getting someone else to kill the next door neighbor after finding out she is pregnant with his baby. Now, the guy who does the killing is a guy Maguire plays basketball with and the killer owes Maguire because he donated a *kidney* to him.

I don't know if it is because I like a story that is a little more believable but with the way the movie went, I kind of was hoping after Banks finds out she was cheated on she killed him and gets away with it. But, I didn't write the movie so of course it ends differently, in a way which just made me dislike the movie even more. The whole movie I was thinking all of this because your lawn got screwed up, dude get a life!

Anyways, if I could go back I would not watch this movie, so as a result I do not suggest you watch it either. Skip it!

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