Saturday, January 18, 2014


This movie is just stupid funny. I am slightly obsessed with Anna Kendrick, she is amazing. I think I've covered this before but I fell hard for her in the first Twilight, so regardless of how terrible some of her films may be, I will see them all.

My guess is this movie was made in the wake of This is the End. Someone decided hey it's really funny to make fun of those who believe in the apocalypse, so let's jump on this bandwagon. It wasn't a terrible idea and although I'm probably in the minority I laughed more during this movie than I did during the previously mentioned.

Before you even start the film you will see one of Craig Robinson's funny moments in the film which I'm going to be honest, I watched over and over and laughed. "Who is a sexy beast, I am a sexy beast." It's funny and ironic so what more could you want.

If you enjoy dark humor/comedy and are not easily offended than I say go ahead and watch this one. It was funny and if I am looking for a no thought worthy but laughable film I would watch this again. Wouldn't pay to see it in the theater, but would rent it again.

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