Saturday, January 18, 2014


Holy cow! This movie is ridiculous, in the best way possible. I watched this based on a recommendation from my old roommate and friend, Sarah Drake. I had no idea what it was about or (at the time) who the main actress being terrorized even was.

I definitely know who Dreama Walker is now though and I'm glad I do! If you are unaware of this movie or what it is about go ahead and read (True story) about the incidents this movie is based off of. Long story short someone prank calls different facilities and convinces them they are the police and to strip search their employees.

I don't know what is more upsetting about this film the fact that it happened or the fact that people are so willing to believe someone over the phone is who they say they are. If you didn't check out the link I provided about the story be aware that instances such as this have happened over 70 times in multiple states.

If for no other reason than to see what has already happened, watch this movie! It is not appropriate for the children, but it is a good watch. Keep in mind it is rated R for a reason. I would definitely watch this again, this is the perfect example of an Indie film down right!

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