Thursday, May 9, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty

I love Zero Dark Thirty! I have now watched this movie at least four times, two of which were in the theater, and every time I'm amazed. I wouldn't expect anything less from director Katheryn Bigelow who shocked us with her talents in The Hurt Locker.

Initially I was drawn to this movie because I really love Jessica Chastain, from the moment I saw her in The Help, I knew she was going to be big. She is a wonderful actress and the fact that she is nice to look at is just an added bonus.

My favorite thing about her is that she demands the attention, especially in this movie. Any time she is in a scene your eyes are drawn to her and you just wonder what is she going to do next? There are several scenes in particular that just jump out at me during this movie. The first is when she is in her first interrogation and after exiting the beginning of the interrogation, the lead male tells her she may want to put her mask back on before they go back in, but instead she says something like, "You're not wearing one." It shows her strength (the character's) and that she is ready to take on anything. My second favorite scene and the one that always makes me laugh is when they are at the meeting discussing how to see into the house that is possibly Osama's, she is asked who she is and she responds,"I'm the mother f*cker who found this place." Or something along those lines... amazing! The delivery, the attitude, the phrasing is all just perfect!

Chastain puts her all into her characters and as a result gives an incredibly convincing performance. I strongly believe she will succeed in most any role she is put in. Obviously by now you can tell I would say this is a must see in the theater, however since it isn't in theaters anymore, it is a must rent!

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