Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden

I do not love history. I don't really love war movies either, but since seeing Zero Dark Thirty I have been very interested in movies about Osama Bin Laden. On a night where my family was searching for something to watch good ole' Instant Netflix came to the rescue.

The first thing that caught my attention was the main woman, who is from Beverly Hills 90210 and she still looks the exact same. I also noticed Gigandet, who wouldn't notice him, he's beautiful. Aside from noticing actors in the movie, it is obvious what the story is, how they found Bin Laden.

After watching this movie, I reflected that it is incredibly similar to Zero Dark Thirty, it does get a little more personal with the members of Seal Team Six though which was interesting. That is about the only difference and because it was a made for TV movie, it obviously did not have the high movie budget.

This movie, for what it was, was good. If the history of Bin Laden interests you, it's worth a watch, especially if you have Netflix seeing as it is still on instant.

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