Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celeste and Jesse Forever

I so desperately wanted this to be a good movie. I love Rashida Jones and I love Andy Samberg, so I figured what could be better? Well, this film is mediocre at best.

I thought oh best friends who love each other even through divorce, yes I read the description of the movie before I received it. However, to say they "struggle" is an understatement. It's back and forth with their relationship and at some point I feel like watchers will just become frustrated, as I did.

You want a happy ending and for things to turn out well for both of them, and I guess to some extent it is a "happy ending." But the happy ending just wasn't good enough for me, I felt like the movie was dragging and I hoped it would get to the end faster. Any time I feel that way I tend to tell others to just skip it.

There isn't a lot to say about this movie, overall I did not enjoy it. It did provide a few laughs and some emotion but I think if I knew before what I was getting myself into, I would have just skipped it.

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