I have to admit initially for me this one was a skip it, even after it was nominated for an Oscar. I had no intentions of seeing it, until my mom said it is really good. Now, unlike my dad she does have pretty good taste in movies. Plus, it helps that she had already seen it and enjoyed it.
I am not going to spend a lot of time explaining the plot of the film because most already know it. It is about Washington being a hero pilot that saves everyone on his plane with the exception of, I believe, six individuals. The catch here is that the hero, is a drug using, heavy drinking individual, including but not limited to when he flies.
The story is really so much more than the plane wreck however and the story of his life and what has happend along the way. I would say this is really the story of one man's addiction and what it took for him to really realize he needed to quit using drugs/alcohol to avoid his life.
I did enjoy this movie, it kept my attention and caused a debate among my family and I. A few thought it would be possible for the plane to fly upside as it did in the movie for as long as it did and not have any problems. I disagreed because I read what the director had said in regards to consulting with a twenty+ year pilot and how it would not be possible for the plane to fly like that. I also read to my family what Boing (who owns that type of plane) stated, agreeing with the pilot, that commercial planes cannot fly upside down.
So, if the logistics of how a plane can actually fly and the artistic license that the director took will not bother you, which I was able to get past and enjoy the movie, than I suggest you watch this movie. The movie really is a good story and visually very appealing, plane upside down or not.