Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Call

This movie was amazing! I knew when I saw the preview for The Call it would definitely be one that I saw opening weekend. I will watch almost any movie out there, but I am picky about the thriller movies I see in theaters. There was absolutely no regret about seeing it.

Halle Berry at the beginning of the movie is a 911 operator, this quickly changes with events and she becomes the new operator instructor, no longer taking calls. By happenstance, an operator starts to panic while Berry is on the floor showing the new operators the lay of the land and this is where the movie really starts.

If you've seen the previews then you already know that a girl gets taken and we follow her kidnap journey. The girl is none other than Abigail Breslin all grown up. I have to admit in one portion of the film you see Breslin in her bra and you can't help but think, where did the little (fake) chubby girl go from Little Miss Sunshine? To her credit, she does a wonderful job. She definitely embodies true fear of a girl who has been kidnapped.

I was given just enough entertainment and twists and turns to make this one of my new favorite movies. I actually saw it the Friday it came out and am still raving to everyone to go see it. My favorite part is the ending, but I won't ruin it for you!

Go see it in the theater, but if you don't want to spend the money, it is a must rent.

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