Saturday, January 18, 2014


This is absolutely, 100% one of the best movies, let alone documentaries I've ever seen. I saw this film on the recommendation of my friend Salwa Sabet and I can not say thank you enough! I have tried to convince everyone I come in contact with to watch it.

I think most kids grew up wanting to go to Sea World. Heck, I was super excited to go to Sea World just a matter of years ago when my parents offered to take me. I, however, am sad to say that will be the last time I ever go to Sea World. It is a sad reality as we get older to realize how animals are treated in things such as the circus and theme parks.

I know for myself I never stopped to think where do they keep these huge animals all the time? I just assured myself, they take care of them and enjoyed my entertainment. It is in that statement alone however that I find the true issue. Animals, especially ones as large as killer whales, were not ever meant to be entertainment for the masses. They are these absolutely amazing creatures who are meant to swim free for miles and miles each day.

This documentary is absolutely a must see for everyone. I don't care if you "don't want to watch because it will make you sad." How do you think the whales feel? I made my mom watch it and she usually only watches movies with happy endings. It is ridiculous what Sea World has done and especially in the cases of their own trainers being injured. Please please please I beg of you, watch this documentary! It will change your life, okay maybe not, but it will change your outlook on Sea World.

In case you missed it, SEE IT! I saw it in the theater and again once it was released.

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