Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tiny Furniture

As this is my first review on my new blog I'm very excited. I thought this would be the perfect movie to kick me off and sadly what I have to say is, "Oh, Lena!" Now, stay with me here. I love Lena Dunham and her show Girls is amazing, however this movie fell short for me. If you are an avid Girls watcher like I am than you will recognize a number of actors from the show in this movie. I was very excited to realize this however it did not help me last through this movie. I found that I just kept wanting more. I wanted Aura to come to some conclusion about her life and where she is going. It feels like it is just never going to happen. If it had not been for the ending of this movie I would probably have watched it again. The ending of this film takes it from a eh, I'd watch this again if it was on TV to no thanks. Lena you are a genius and I am embarrassed that I'm the same age as you and have not accomplished nearly as much, but this for me just isn't worth a second watch.

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