Tuesday, July 9, 2013

White House Down

Mmmmm... Channing Tatum. Oh excuse me, I thought I was alone. No but for real, he was the draw. I didn't expect much from White House Down. You would think I would have learned my lesson about picking films just because Tatum is in them after Magic Mike, but I didn't and in this case it worked out okay!

Going into the movie I thought okay this is another "the terrorists take over the White House," but that's not really the case. I wondered if Tatum could pull of the dad figure in the movie and I'd say he did well. Something tells me that the young actor Joey King makes it easy for anyone to act as her parents. She is adorable and honestly I almost felt like she stole the movie from Tatum and Foxx. She's at times that obnoxious kid that you see and you're like why does she call her parents by their first names but by the end you just love her.

Tatum and Foxx have their fun moments with this movie, which I feel is a reflection of who Foxx must be as a person, not too serious. It's a movie that I feel like both women and men can enjoy together, it's not necessarily for anyone under the age of 12 or 13.

The only part I struggled with during this movie were a few scenes where it is so clear they are not actually at the White House. Now, before someone jumps all over me, I know it's not the White House, but I also know how far we have come in film and some of those scenes could have looked a lot better. Overall though it was a decent movie. I wouldn't pay for it again in theaters, but I'd definitely rent it to watch with friends or family. I loved that the movie made the president a real person which I know a lot of people struggle to remember he's just a normal guy, fictitious or not. The end of the film is adorable and I was happy it came to completion the way it did.

So, rent it... it's a good action movie with a little bit of humor

The Heat

A-maz-ing! Okay, I've obviously seen a lot of movies already this year, but so far this is my favorite! I saw it the day it came out and went again for my birthday because I just couldn't get enough! I'm struggling to find words to even explain how I feel about The Heat, mainly because I just freaking loved it!

Let's be real for a second, I wondered what this duo could do together. I was fearful that the commercials would give away all of the funny parts. And after seeing Identity Thief I was really worried that it would end up not being funny at all. I love Bullock, I'm down with watching any of her films and McCarthy, love her too. You see, McCarthy and I go way back, we go back to the Gilmore Girls days, so when I say I am a fan, I'm not a new Oh I saw her in Bridesmaids fan. All though, I did love her as Megan!

So with much excitement and anticipation I saw the movie... and loved it! It is so funny these two ladies play off of each other so well you will be laughing the whole way through. I rarely get a good laugh out of films and this one had me laughing so hard I was tearing up. The concept, delivery, and execution were just phenomenal and this is a movie that I really hope has a part two.

I have recommended this film to everyone who asks and not once have I had someone come back and say they were disappointed. It is the perfect funny summer movie! If you hadn't gotten the hint by now, I love love love this movie! I cannot say enough good things about it, especially without ruining it for you. So... GO, go now and see it in the theaters. You won't regret it!

A Perfect Ending

This was a movie I was asked to watch by one of my Twitter followers. I had no hesitancy since I like watching all types of film, but I've found that most film companies that produce gay/lesbian are not known very well. This is unfortunate because it means that most people side step the films out of fear they will fall into a bad indie film.

I watched the preview before actually watching the film and all though I wasn't very interested in it after that, I watched it anyways. I'm going to be brutally honest in saying that I did not enjoy this film at all. The only part I liked were the scenes with the attractive children of the main character. I don't know which part of the movie I struggled with more, but honestly I believe it had less to do with the characters and more to do with the concept.

I strongly dislike movies where there is cheating happening, even if one of the characters is not being sexually satisfied, that is not a reason to cheat. I struggled with the intimate scenes between Niven and Clark, I didn't feel the chemistry that should be there and felt sort of like I was watching porn. I know that it is more and more acceptable for those extremely intimate scenes to be shown in movies and even television but I like it better when something is left to the imagination. I also had a hard time because at times I felt like the relationship was less sexy and more mother comforting her broken daughter which led to me feeling uncomfortable.

There are so many, what feels like, subplots to this movie that it makes it difficult to navigate everything. I didn't understand why the daughter had to be messed up for there to be that final connection at the end of the movie. Honestly, there was just too much going on. I think the movie was shot well, just not my kind of movie.

I hate to say it, but if you've read my other reviews and you agree with me typically, skip it. If you think my reviews are terrible, go ahead and watch it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

That 70's Show

First review for a TV show, hooray! I said I would occasionally review TV shows and since I just finished watching every episode of That 70's Show I figured I should probably review it.

Now, when That 70's Show started airing I was only eleven, but for the next 7 years I would watch it off and on, you know how it goes, junior high and high school were really busy so I wasn't able to see them all. But, when I saw it became available on Netflix Instant (thank you), I decided it was time to watch those unseen episodes but not only that but in order!

I love this show. I think regardless of where you are at in life almost everyone who was a typical teenager can relate to this groups antics. I love all of the characters and I would have to say Red was definitely one of my favorites and may on occasion want to put my foot in someone's ass.

I think one of my favorite things became the license plate and how the year changed, especially for that final episode. It was the closing the year 1980. Now this is going to contain some spoilers but if you haven't watched it by now, my guess is you don't really care to. I really liked the series finale. There are so many shows that end terribly now and every time I'm left so frustrated that I've invested all this time, energy and emotion into a show (even a simple sitcom, don't lie you get caught up too) to have the writers be like eh, screw it, it's over here's your ending. I love that Eric and Donna are together and I loved that even if it was just for the finale all the main characters came back.

This is just a side note, but I have a really hard time not being irritated with the characters that Wilmer Valderrama now chooses to play. You should have just stopped with Fez. Also, I still want to know where Fez was supposed to be from! If you're bored and you want a TV series to watch that will cause you to laugh, check it out.

This is the End

Oh how I wanted this to be funnier than it was. There is a good chance that other's will disagree with me on my review but that's why it's my blog and not theirs! I think maybe I expected too much from these guys. Sometimes, for me, when a movie gets a lot of hype I end up being really disappointed. Now I was not really disappointed but I wasn't overjoyed either.

There are definitely some very funny parts to this movie. Although it was in the commercials the part with Emma Watson definitely made me laugh. I also love that Baruchel's character (himself but not, I'm assuming) hates the other guys with the exception of Rogen. There is something about him that I think is adorable and I could totally picture him being the odd man out.

Franco's obsession with Rogen is also pretty funny, don't worry I don't think I'm ruining anything here, it's not a plot point! However, I'm going to discuss some SPOILERS now so just beware. The part with Channing Tatum was ridiculous! I'm still not sure whether to think it was good ridiculous or bad ridiculous but I laughed none-the-less. The second spoiler is the that I thought it was completely unnecessary to show the Devil's junk. I did not find it funny and that is not because I'm a prude. SPOILERS COMPLETE

I couldn't help but think throughout the movie that if Kirk Cameron wanted to scare people that maybe he should have made his Left Behind series a little more like this movie, fire all over and a scary Satan. Anyways, all that to say, did I need to see it in the theater and would I recommend you to? No. I would save your money, have some friends over and rent it.

Now You See Me

I've always been a sucker for magic. I remember going to Vegas as a kid with my parents and begging to see a magic show. So, when I saw the preview for this movie months ago, I knew I wanted to see it! This was the first movie in months that I have really been excited to see.

I am a big fan of Isla Fisher & Woody Harrelson so a film that combined the two sounded lovely! I also am growing very fond of Dave Franco, even though the Franco brothers talk funny. I really didn't know much about this film other than it was magicians who robbed a bank, but there is more to the plot than that. This film is fun and interesting and it is different from other movies that are coming out right now.

I have to say that my mom and I rarely really enjoy the same movies. Usually she loves it or I love it, but this was one film that we both walked out of and really enjoyed.

I watched two interviews regarding this movie before I saw it. The first interview I saw was just snippets and it was an interview with Eisenberg and then commentary about how he was less than nice with the interviewer. I didn't pay much attention to it, the one thing I did notice is that it seems Eisenberg has been typecast. Now, I'm not sure if that is because he is actually like those characters in real life or because he enjoys being the opposite of who he really is. Either way he did the role well. The second interview which I watched was with Chelsea Handler and was with Isla Fisher. That interview was actually fun to watch and she said that when she was doing her own stunt in the water tank she had to learn to hold her breath for two and a half minutes. She also spoke about how her chain actually got stuck and she was panicking but they just thought that she was acting really well and she had to pull the safety release for herself! Either way, Fisher, whether you were acting or actually... drowning... you did a great job. Kudos to you for learning to hold your breath for that long, because to me it seems like eternity.

This movie is theater worthy for sure! If you don't want to spend the money to see it in the theater, add it to your Netflix list now!  

The Hangover: Part III

I am so glad this was not like Part II. I was reluctant to see Part III but decided I would anyways, especially with a little encouragement from my niece. I only somewhat liked Part II, I hate when movies repeat what happened in the first film and try to play it like it's a different film. We all know it was the same plot just a different country!

Okay, my bitterness aside about Part II, I also wanted to see Part III because they shut down the freeway by my house in CA to film a small part of this film. It's fun to recognize things in movies that are right by your house.

So, I did not read too many people's reviews about this movie because I did not want to be corrupted one way or the other. Needless to say, I laughed quite a few times during the movie. There are several parts that are just so ridiculous you can't help but find yourself chuckling. If you've seen the movie, one of my favorite scenes is Galifianakis with "Carlos." If you haven't seen it then I guess you should enjoy it when you rent it.

The guys are up to some of their same old antics and of course Ken Jeong has a part in this film. Honestly, he usually really irritates me, he is over the top and most of the time unnecessary. That's not to say I loved him in this movie, but he was more tolerable, again especially compared to Part II.

I don't know if I could possibly say this is better than the second one anymore, apologies for being repetitive but it's truth! Anyways, I got some good laughs and that is what I was hoping for and I was okay with the fact that I saw it in the theater. I would say if you enjoyed the first movie, definitely rent this one!

Fast & Furious 6

Who doesn't love a trilogy done two times over. Alright, understandably I knew what I was getting myself into before I even went, I mean come on it's in the title, SIX! But I could not resist seeing this movie with all of the original cast members back together.

The only problem here was that I was about 13 when the first movie came out and I am now almost 26 years old. Now despite my age difference, Paul Walker is sexy. I don't care if he can't really act, as long as I can just look at him, okay maybe if he could act a little it would have been helpful. But, it definitely took me back to being 13 seeing all of the cast back together.

Now, I was expecting very little from this film because let's be honest all of the "in between" movies were eh. This one actually surprised me. The races were fun to watch, things exploding is entertaining, different story line and low and behold even a plot twist! I did not even know the franchise had plot twist capabilities.

I took my niece who is 9 years younger than me to see this movie and I think those 9 years made a big difference. She, at best, had seen a few scenes from several of the movies and was a little confused, but nothing that would ruin the movie. But she did not have the same excitement about seeing the movie that I did, again because of the cast.

If you have boys/guys in your family odds are you will at some point see this movie, don't worry it's not terrible, it's not even bad. It is definitely closer to the original which should lend some peace of mind.

Would I pay to see this in the theater again? No, probably not. Would I rent it? Sure... it's a good time.

Jesus Henry Christ

I feel like an explanation is necessary before I even say my thoughts on the movie. I was really bored one day and decided to peruse Netflix Instant. That being said, this movie title - for obvious reasons - has caught my attention on several occasions. So, boredom combined with instant movies, an odd title, oh and Toni Colette led me to this movie.

As you would expect with a movie with such an interesting title, it was an interesting movie. Collette is a feminist mother who has chosen to have a child on her own but her son. The boy is at this pivotal age, but in an awkward situation. He is smothered by his mother and wants to find out who his father is which leads to the rest of the movie.

It is a strange movie and there are definitely parts where I was so sad for this boy and the daughter of the man who is also the boy's father. It is an interesting intersection between the lives of these people who happen to live so close to each other. It's honestly hard for me to explain this movie at this point.

There are several things that stick out for me in this movie, one of which I won't specify because if you watch it's a funny part, but it happens between the boy and girl when he goes to tell her she's his sister. And the second part made me hate sticky notes and then love them again!

Anyways, if you are up for a corky, odd, eccentric movie I would say go ahead and check it out... If you are not a fan of indie films... skip it.

The Lucky One

So, I have an ongoing battle with Netflix. Okay, realistically it may be my reluctancy to commitment. Allow me to explain, every time I get an actual DVD from Netflix I am fearful that I'm going to pick the wrong one. See, watching movies on instant doesn't have that, "Ugh, I can't believe I waited for this movie to come in the mail," attached to it.

All that to say, this movie was not one that I regretted waiting to get in the mail. I am very choosey and despite being told by someone - maybe my mom - that it wasn't a good movie I wanted to see it anyways. And I am not afraid to say, I liked it!

I'm fairly picky when it comes to romantic movies because so many cheesy ones exist. Not to say that this doesn't have its fair share of "cheese" and not that it is terribly believable, but it's sweet. I liked the story, I believe - even in this day and age - that the "right couples" are brought together by something bigger than us. This is that story.

It doesn't hurt that Efron is also very attractive and combine that with his extremely sweet and sensitive character who happens to do really well with Schilling's son in the movie and I'm a girly mess. Plus he is kind of a hero, so what girl can turn that down? Obviously not the main female character, based solely on the poster photo!

Anyways, it is not going to win any awards but if you are looking for a girly movie, this is a good one. So, my suggestion is rent it.